Monday, August 8, 2011

Design Contest and back packs

Hey! On August the 5th was the day that a new contest on build-a-bear started.You can design an outfit.Then turn it in and there will be a winner on August 18th.Also V.I.B members can get a penguin and ladybug back pack.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

If your VIB member then for an august prize you get a disk chair. If your not a VIB member then you can become on for 3 months($15),6 months($25),or 1 year.($40) Look for this in buildabear workshops.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The end of camp happy heart 2011

team cookie dough:1st
team strawberry:2nd
team candy:3erd
team berries:4th

Hey Bearvillers. Today camp happy heart ending. Team cookie dough won!! (my team .)