Thursday, June 17, 2010

This is how to get the brownie sash on build-a-bearville....

Go to the REAL build-a-bear workshop and buy a build-a-bear patch,
and when you buy it, you get a code.Then log it on build-a-bearville.


Hey,I'm back!!!Look in the credit store for the soccer kick move on bearville.
Your character can kick a soccer ball and try to get the soccer move before its gone!!

have a great summer

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hey!!If you get to have a party at build-a-bear
workshop,you get a code and log it on bearville and you get
one of these new party rooms for your home.
Try to get them.Bye!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hi,I'm Caitlin the owner of this blog,and I made up fun time with Caitlin for my blog.
So,you could make a bear can print it out and you make the puppet.Well,try it out,and here is the bear puppet.
try to print it out.

On Bearville you can take the safety test and if you past it,you get an emoticon. Emoticons are smiley faces that go
over your charters head.This is where to find the test,a safety cone right next to a bunny named pawlette.Try to past the safety test to get the emoticon. BYE!!
Have fun in bearville!

Friday, June 4, 2010

I saw at the slumber yard on build-a-bearville that there is a new seed called the watermelon seed.You just grow it and BAM!!!!You got watermelon for your character to eat.
Well,look out at the slumber yard for the watermelon seed!!!

Try it out!!

p.s. the slumber yard is a garden store on build-a-bear

I am going to tell you how to get to the other cities in build-a-bearville....

If you get the Wii build-a-bear game you go to friendship valley,and if you get the DS build-a-bear game you go to hugs ville.
So,those are the rare cities on build-a-bearville.


I need to tell you this and it is really cool.
A lady named Maxine Clark made up build-a-bear
and she owns all the build-a-bear workshops.
Maxine Clark is a woman but here is a picture when she was a kid.

I hope you enjoyed that picture!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome back to my blog!!!Now on bearville,at the fantastic fountian game,there is train set pieces. You have got to collet all the pieces of the train to turn it in and get a train set for your cub condo. Here are the train set pieces you need to find.....
a giraffe,
a bear,
an elephant,
and a tiger.

Try to collect them all before they're gone!!!